Thursday, October 25, 2007

Hey guys. Here's a short story I wrote;

When bananas attack, they go purple and pull out plasma guns that squirts out food colouring and mushed up bananas. The food colouring varys but all of it can burn through the skin but the bananas are very kind and so it burns out with the mushed bananas and that's very good of them.
The other thing about bananas is that they play pranks all the time, like when Dad came out with half of his moustache shaved off.Then theres the time when Mum went to work with a blavk vivid monobrow on her face. And lets not forget the prank they pulled on Abby. They put a note on her back that said,

sorry that's all for now, I'll update soon bye.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Hi again!
@ school, we've been doing a unit on water. And we had 2 do an acrostic poem, so here is mine:

Wellington boots splash through puddles,
All rivers lead to the ocean,
The eagle flies over the crashing waves below,
Every drop has past through many lips,
Rain, rivers or the ocean, God has put water everywhere!

so that's it.
byebye 4 now

Sunday, October 7, 2007

School Again!

Once again it's school! Term 4 2 b exact.
In the holidays i did more work. This time we did pharamons and weeding. The weeding was the hardest, even though we only did it 4 an hour. It's because we had 2 pull out Old Man's Beard. But it was all worth it' I earned $126.59! I'm planning 2 get an iPod shuffle, but that's if our computer has the right cord ect.
Anyway we have the Production and Sports Day this term, so we're gonna b busy!
Bye 4 now