Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Long Time No See

Surprise, surprise all my money has been spent on things.
Sydney has gone away for 4 weeks to America. Me and Alice are doing sport shed.
My birthday is in almost 3 months.
Thats all I can think of for now,


Monday, August 6, 2007

The Flu

Hi guys!
I've been away sick 4 a whole week!
there is a horible flu bug going around the school. Today there was only 9 people @ school in the morning. We are doing a unit on careers @ the moment. It's so cool because we get 2 pick a career we would like 2 do when were old anough. I'm going 2 a vet clinic. So some people are away on that and some people are away doing a jump-jam course (lucky them, they get 2 "jump" around all day). Any way that's all 4 now.
Bye bye.